Friday, 1 January 2016

Where have the last 2 1/2 years gone? / New Year, New Start

As some people may be aware, I had another baby around 2 1/2 years ago and made the decision to close the physical shop.  I'd decided I wanted to close quite a while before, but ideally wished to sell the business so that my customers didn't lose their wool shop.  This proved not to be possible, so around 2 weeks before my daughter was born (slightly earlier than expected!) I closed the shop.

My intention was to keep the online shop going, expecting to only need 6 months or so to get back to it.  Being a mum of 4 I should have known better!  With one thing or another, I still haven't managed to do all the things I wanted to do to be running properly again, and after several difficulties in fulfilling orders due to errors on the site, I turned the site to dormant until I had ensured that all stock levels were correct and all my products were photographed and listed on the site.  While it is off, I also want to re-style and refresh it for a new start.  This all still hasn't been done yet, but I am hoping to be back up and running over the next couple of months.

I have several ideas for the blog.  I've wanted to write blog posts many times about my projects, especially spinning, but wanted to write about the business first.  I would like to write a post at least once a month, but if I can manage a weekly post I will!  

This year my main priorities are:

1.  Getting the site updated, re-styled and running as soon as possible.

2.  Blogging about my projects, knitting and spinning, at least monthly.

3.  Posting on Instagram daily @knittermum

4.  Spinning for at least 15 mins every day.

I have many other things I want to do this year but that gives me a start!

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